romance with ink...

blank canvas and trails of ink always leave fascinating stories. such stories, create trails of happiness, surprise, lingering nostalgia and lasting impressions. imaginations and concoct possibilities by the mark of ink are irreplaceable. laughter that resonates in such stories, contemplation of a quote, pensive tinkering of destiny, leaves a mark on everything it touches. 

indian henna as ink , hand as canvas & five favorite quotes

engraved on my soul are these beautiful lines, inked on my hand, they breathe;

respond to every call that excites your soul....
the universe is made of stories....
the world is full of magical things, waiting for our senses to grow sharper....
let the beauty of what you love, be what you do...
what you seek, is seeking you....

romance with ink always yields beautiful fruits....


  1. When in love, body, mind, heart and soul don’t even exist. Become this, fall in love, and you will not be separated again
    - Rumi


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